Costs to Consider When Launching a Start-up
The decision to start business is exciting, and daunting. Calculating start-up costs, planning for long-term profitability, and securing funding are some of the major factors to consider. Step one is identifying what your initial start-up costs are. These are all the expenses incurred before launch. Your business funding should cover these bills and expenses fully during this period, which makes accurate projections key.
Some of the basic costs for every business include office space and equipment, utilities, payroll, professional services, and state and local incorporation fees. The SBA has templates to begin the process in a general sense, but many of our clients overlook some of the industry-specific expenses that will be incurred.
Until you calculate costs accurately, it is almost impossible to manage expenses while also looking to scale. Building a financial plan does not have to be hard. From forecasting initial and ongoing expenses to planning for scalability through finding the right partners and resources, we walk our clients through the process with success in mind.